7 keys to becoming a successful real estate agent.

What makes a successful real estate agent? How do I become a successful real estate agent? These are questions that I hear a lot . So I chatted with some of my friends in the industry and picked on 7 things that stood out and here they are:

1. understand that we are running a business

No business can survive without the owners investing in it. This is true for real estate sales as well. As a real estate agent we need to invest in growing our business, spend on marketing on technology (to a certain degree). We need to invest in ourselves by going to training and in tools. We also need to remember that we are driving this business this is our role as the CEO's of our business.

2. Understand your market

We all work in certain markets within the industry. Our market can be a suburb, it can be houses in a specific price range, a style of property. Our market can also be a specific ethnic group that we belong to. Whatever our market is, we need to understand it and how it operate, We need to have the facts and figures about it and become experts.

3. Value our time

Time is all we have. This means that we need to be very calculated with how we spend our time. It is very easy to be busy for the sake of being busy in real estate. Successful salespeople value their time. If they have done something more than twice they systemise it. They control the time they spend with people based on how productive it is to their business and they spend most of their time doing things that generate their income (listing, prospecting and negotiating) allocating the non money generating chores to others.

4. Everyone is a prospect

Real estate is about people more than it is about houses. To find houses to sell, we need to talk to people. Successful salespeople speak to a lot of people (remembering point 3) in order to uncover more opportunities.

5. Be persistent

Successful salespeople understand that people will do business with us when they trust us and see value in us. They keep on staying with touch with people for as long as needed, trying again and again and again.

6. Find the tools that work

Depending on our personality and background, each one of us tend to be comfortable with different tools. Some highly technological, others still send flyers. Some are working on their own others have teams. Experiment with things find the tools that you like and work for you and use them. Real estate is not a one size fits all.

7. Put in the time

Like any other business, to make our real estate business a success we must put in the hours. No successful real estate agent that I know works 4 hour days four days a week (especially not in the first years), they put in a lot of work, 10-14 hour days sometimes seven days a week, they understand they must do this to drive the business. But not only that, successful real estate agents understand that real estate is a long game. They put in the effort over years with the understanding that it takes time to become successful in the industry.

I encourage you to look at these and implement this into your business if you are not doing this yet.

You can find interviews I had conducted with successful real estate agents on my youtube channel Giyora Barzilay | Real Estate Sales Training - YouTube

If you would like support with developing your prospecting strategies, building your real estate sales career or finding a mentor, check out our services page, here: https://www.barzilay.co.nz/services


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